Create a private network with Headscale and Tailscale

Posted on Jan 30, 2025

This post describes the usage of headscale and tailscale to create a virtual network based on WireGuard.


One headscale server node is needed, nodes will be registered on this server using tailscale.

The couple headscale/tailscale permits to establish WireGuard tunnels between all the registered nodes. If a direct connection between two nodes is not possible, headscale supports “DERP” to relay the traffic between these two nodes. headscale also supports “MagicDNS”, and can automatically map nodes to domain names.

Headscale server

Follow the instructions here. In example for Debian 12:

  1. Install the package
# wget --output-document=headscale.deb \
# apt install ./headscale.deb
  1. Configure headscale by editing the configuration file /etc/headscale/config.yaml.

The important configuration variables are:

  • server_url, in my case
  • listen_addr, set to
  • tls_letsencrypt_hostname, this is the domain used for the TLS certificate with let’s encrypt, I’ve used
  • prefixes, these are the prefix used on your network, they must be contained in and fd7a:115c:a1e0::/48. In my case, I’ve set the v6 prefix to fd28:7515:7d51:42::/64, which is officially unsupported but functional anyway.
  • magic_dns, set to “true” to enable its support
    • base_domain, base domain used for the magic dns records
    • nameservers, list of forwarders
  1. Enable the service
# systemctl enable --now headscale
  1. Verify the service status and read the logs
# systemctl status headscale
# journalctl -u headscale.service -f -n 100

Tailscale client

You can choose the appropriated repository for your system here, for Debian 12:

# curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
# curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
# apt update
# apt install tailscale
# systemctl status tailscaled

The tailscaled service is enabled by default.

Register the nodes

  1. Create users on the server node

Create users

# headscale user create nl-ams1
User created
# headscale user create nl-ams1
User created
# headscale user create nl-ams2
User created
  1. Use the tailscale client on the client node to login to the server. It will open a browser with the registration instructions for the headscale server.
# tailscale up --login-server

Tailscale brower window with key

  1. Register the node on the server node, using the previously generated key
# headscale nodes register --user nl-ams2 --key mkey:**KEY**
Node nl-ams2 registered
  1. On the client node, use these commands to verify the allocated IPs
$ tailscale ip -4
$ tailscale ip -6

As an alternative, you can use preauthorized keys:

  1. Generate preauthorized keys on the server node
# headscale preauthkeys create -u nl-ams1
2025-01-26T22:21:30+01:00 TRC expiration has been set expiration=3600000
  1. Use the key on the client node to login
# tailscale up --login-server --authkey **KEY** 

Test the virtual network

  1. On the server node, you can list all clients with the command headscale node list
# headscale node list
ID | Hostname | Name     | MachineKey | NodeKey | User      | IP addresses                     | Ephemeral | Last seen           | Expiration          | Connected | Expired
1  | hc-xps15 | hc-xps15 | [*****]    | [*****] | hcartiaux |, fd28:7515:7d51:42::3 | false     | 2025-01-26 21:45:52 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | online    | no
2  | nl-ams2  | nl-ams2  | [*****]    | [*****] | nl-ams2   |, fd28:7515:7d51:42::4 | false     | 2025-01-26 21:45:52 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | online    | no
3  | nl-ams1  | nl-ams1  | [*****]    | [*****] | nl-ams1   |, fd28:7515:7d51:42::5 | false     | 2025-01-26 21:45:52 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | online    | no
  1. On the client nodes, tailscale create a new network interface tailscale0 and configures the allocated address
$ ip -br -c a
tailscale0       UNKNOWN fd28:7515:7d51:42::4/128 fe80::5c6e:ccf5:de0:ea97/64
  1. All client nodes can reach all the other nodes which are part of the network, using the “MagicDNS”
$ ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.61 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.85 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.77 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.774/2.741/4.605/1.317 ms