Podman cheat sheet
Table of contents:
This is a cheat sheet of podman useful information and commands.
Podman is feature equivalent with docker, with the advantage of not requiring root privileges and a daemon running as root.
It can be used alongside with buildah
to build container images, and skopeo
to manage container images in a registry.
Install podman
- Install the package:
apt install podman
- Allow for unqualified search in the docker.io and quay.io repositories:
echo 'unqualified-search-registries=["docker.io", "quay.io"]' > $HOME/.config/containers/registries.conf
- Enable the auto-update timer:
systemctl [--user] enable --now podman-auto-update.timer
Image management
- List pulled images:
podman image ls
- Show the history of an image:
podman image history <image name>
- Retrieve or update an image:
podman image pull <image name>
Do not forget to restart the containers using this image to use the updated version. - Retrieve a specific image version:
podman pull <image name>:<version|latest>
Get information about running containers
- List running containers:
podman ps
- List all containers:
podman ps -a
- Sort all containers by size:
podman ps --size --sort size
- Sort all containers by creation time:
podman ps --sort created
- List with a customized format:
podman ps --all --format "{{.Names}} {{.Ports}} {{.Mounts}} {{.Status}}"
- Live resource information by container:
podman stats
Control a container
- Create a new container and detach it:
podman run -dt <image name>
- Create a new container and get an interactive shell:
podman run -it <image name>
- Create a new container and map a directory:
-v <host directory>:<container mount point>
- Create a new container and map a network port:
-p <host port>:<container port>
- Enable Auto-update:
--label io.containers.autoupdate=registry
- Checking for updates:
podman auto-update
- Copy a file to a container:
podman cp <src> <dest>
- Get an interactive shell inside a running container:
podman exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
podman [restart,start,stop,pause,unpause] <CONTAINER ID>
- Remove a container:
podman rm <CONTAINER ID>
Configuration generation
Kube definition file
- Generate a kube file:
podman generate kube <CONTAINER ID> > <filename>.yaml
- Import a kube file:
podman play kube <filename>.yaml
Systemd units (deprecated since podman 4.4)
- Pre-requisites:
systemctl --user enable podman-restart.service
- Generate a systemd service unit:
podman generate systemd --new <CONTAINER ID> > ~/.config/systemd/user/<CONTAINER NAME>.service
- Reload systemd:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
- Enable the container to start at boot:
systemctl --user enable <CONTAINER NAME>.service
Configuration directories:
Create a container file, in example in .config/containers/systemd/httpd.container
Description=HTTPD server
#Exec=sleep 1000
PublishPort=8080:80 # Port mapping
Volume=%h/public:/var/www/ # %h is mapped to the user home dir
Environment=ENV=prod # Environment variable
# Start by default on boot
WantedBy=multi-user.target default.target
- Reload and scan for local changes:
systemctl --user daemon-reload
- Show the generated service unit:
systemctl --user cat httpd
- Start the container:
systemctl --user start httpd
External Resources
- https://linuxhandbook.com/podman-add-delete-containers/
- https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/create-containers-podman-quickly
- https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/container-information-podman
- https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/update-container-images-podman
- https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2019/01/15/podman-managing-containers-pods
- https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/podman-auto-updates-rollbacks
- https://linuxhandbook.com/autostart-podman-containers/
- https://mo8it.com/blog/quadlet/
- https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-run-podman-containers-under-systemd-with-quadlet